Terms of Service

  • Date of last update: on December 1, 2023Please read the following Terms of Service carefully before using our "File Recovery: Export&Delete" application. These terms set out the legal agreement between you and us. By using our App, you agree to and accept the following terms and conditions.

  • 1. Service description

    File Recovery: Export&Delete is a file recovery tool designed to help users export and delete files, improving file management efficiency. Our apps are committed to protecting user privacy and do not collect, store or share personal information.

  • 2. Terms of Use

    a. You agree to use our App only in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and subject to the following terms of use:

    i. Shall not engage in any illegal or infringing activity.

    ii. The App may not be used for activities that are

    illegal or violate the rights of others.

    iii. Do not attempt to bypass or compromise the application's security measures.

    iv. Not to interfere with or impair the normal operation of the application in any way.

    b. You are responsible for the security of your device and account to prevent unauthorized access or use.

  • 3. Advertising

    Our apps may contain third-party ads that may use anonymous identifiers or cookies to gather information about your interests and online behavior in order to serve relevant ads. Our app does not collect or store this information, which is managed by the advertising provider.

  • 4. Disclaimer

    a. Our application does its best to ensure successful export and deletion of files. However, we cannot guarantee that all operations will be completely correct. The results of export and delete operations can be affected by a number of factors.

    b. We are not responsible for any data loss or damage resulting from the use of this application.

  • 5. Applicable Laws

    These Terms of Service shall be governed by applicable laws and regulations, and any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts.

  • 6. Contacting us

    If you have any questions or feedback regarding these Terms of Service or the "File Recovery: Export&Delete" application, please contact us using the following contact information:

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Thank you for using the "File Recovery: Export&Delete" application.